Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Time For A Change

A change of attitude and a change of my blog template to go along with it.

And why the change? Who is to thank for it? As with all good things in my life, my wife is to blame, I mean, thank.

Preparing for the new baby and all the other life changes in the last year have gotten a little overwhelming in the past weeks/month and I have found myself not being all that much fun to be around. Generally, my attitude has been melancholy or 'detached' at best. (wow, i just used 'melancholy' in a sentence) It's all been about getting this done or getting that done and lately it's all been about, when's the baby coming, when's the baby coming, I want the baby to come, nothing else in my life can happen til the baby comes. Yes, I tend to get just a little obsessive sometimes, coupled with a complete lack of patience (see: January 1995).

So, the other day, and by that I mean yesterday but 'the other day' just sounds so much better, Vicki showed me another blog that she thought was funny so I took some time out and read it. It's nothing out the ordinary really, just a woman in California blogging her life with the rest of us, but it clicked something in me. I think it was because it reminded me of Vicki and me and it was a chance to look at something familiar from an outside perspective. Anyway, the why doesn't really matter, the what does.

It is a complete waste of time and all the glorious gifts that God has given us to be obsessive about all these things. All you end up doing is missing out on the really fun, truly important stuff so that you can feel like 'you got all your stuff done' and you're 'ready'. Who cares about that? Life really IS too short for that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go out and buy a motorcycle and go skydiving now. But what I am going to do is try my best to appreciate what I have, right now, not what's coming down the pipe.

In case anyone out there is not aware, I have the most beautiful, caring, and overall wonderful wife on the planet. End.Of.Story.(currently, I am in love with that whole period after each word for dramatic effect thing) Vicki lights my world. And she's pregnant right now! Pregnant! There is almost nothing I love more in this world than my wife when she is pregnant, and I have NOT been appreciating that. I haven't taken a picture of my wife in days. Days, people. As if this is not a rare occurence or something. WTF is with me. Also, I have amazing daughters. I don't remember a single day that I have not been made to smile by them the moment I walk in the door from work.

So, there it is, changes are in the works. I am going to appreciate how awesome my life is, and I'm going to take lots of pictures of it too.

Oh, and I tend to ramble on WAAAAYYYYYY too long, but since you're reading this you already know that.

Peace Out.

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