Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Grumpy McAss

That would be the most appropriate name for me yesterday.

As I stated in an earlier post I have issues with patience, and this whole 'waiting for the baby' thing has really messed with me. We went in yesterday morning to see the Dr. and were expecting fully for Vicki to be induced since that was the word from the almighty Dr. at the previous appt. So, we had dropped off the kids and had Vicki's bag packed and in the van. Here's how the appt. went:

Dr.: Hi, how are you feeling?

Vicki: I feel like crap, I want this baby out, it's sucking my will to live.(ok, maybe that's not verbatim, but you get the idea)

Dr.: Well, let's check you out.

...uncomfortable pelvic exam...

Dr.: You're a little further ahead, 2cm dilated and very thinned out.

Us: Alright, so what's next for the induction process?

Dr.: Well, there are some other women who are also overdue so it might be a hard sell to the maternity nurses to get you in there. Come back on Wednesday morning and we'll see how you're doing.

Me(luckily, inside my head only): I don't really give two s**ts about any other women and how overdue they are, nor do I care about your difficulty 'selling' the idea to the nurses. Induce her and get this darn baby out.

Me(on the outside): Umm, you said last week that we should pick a day for induction that worked best for my work schedule, and frankly, today works best because I have deadlines coming up and I want to be around to help out when the baby comes. So.....

Vicki: Yes, and with Megan's school year starting next week, it would really be better sooner than later.

Dr.(not looking at me any longer since it's obvious I ain't happy): Well, it'd be nice to get you to go into labor naturally so do lots of walking and we'll see you on Wednesday.

I swear I nearly strangled him with his stethoscope. No, let's not put any worth into the fact that Vicki is miserable and the late arrival of our darling baby is screwing up all our schedules and possibly the amount of time I am able to spend away from work helping out. No, that would be stupid, let's worry about not trying the 'hard sell' to the maternity nurses. Yeah, that makes sense.

So, in my classic style, rather than get angry with the Dr. and cause an uncomfortable moment, I waited til we were back in the van on our way home and decided that, in fact, it was all Vicki's fault because she didn't tell him in the right way how much we needed this baby out.

Just to recap, my logic is that it is the pregnant lady's fault that the Dr. is not doing what I wanted, so of course she should be blamed and yelled at immediately. Yup, that makes sense, because obviously I am the one who is being made to suffer immensely through all this, I mean, c'mon, I have to keep going to work and that's just not fair.

So, that is how I earned the name Grumpy McAss, named after how I was feeling and how I acted. Yeah, yesterday was a great day. Loved.It.

Now, if she'll let me come along, we are going to see the lovely Dr. tomorrow morning at 9am so he can tell us again how Mother Nature knows best and there are so many other, more deserving women out there, and most importantly, to do lots of walking(wow, what a concept, no, we haven't tried that at all) and come back and see him on Friday probably.

That's my prediction, along with the return of Grumpy McAss following the appt. Like I said, I have issues with patience.


Heidi said...

Being a maternity nurse I know too well how pts must feel to be turned down for induction, but on the other side of it, most of the time inductions are done on a priority basis. The nurses want to make sure there is someone to be able to give Vicki a safe delivery. Inductions aren't with out risk so even though it doesn't make things easier, just think of how the other ladies, possibly 10 days overdue (usually when they induce) feel. Your baby will come soon. Hope all goes well.

Donovan Rogall said...

Alright Heidi, you may have a point. Actually, you may have a 100% valid point. However...Grumpy McAss is essentially based on a complete selfish lack of logic. Therefore, you must be wrong.

Leanna said...

I love Grumpy McAss and can't wait to read his post again tomorrow. Although I am one of the lucky ones who got the telephone conversation version of it and somehow I found humour in that too..I do however feel for you..Have a good day at work. the baby is now doing this just to piss you off...