Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Enjoy it while you can...

That is my motto currently. It may sound strange but I'm still having trouble truly grasping the fact that we're going to have a new baby in the next 4-6 weeks. Wow, I sure hope this was a good idea...

Anyway, I am trying my best to really enjoy everything in our life as it is now, before it all changes again forever. Don't get me wrong, this change is going to be nothing but fantastic, but it will be a change nonetheless. I don't want to take anything for granted in these final weeks. I want to enjoy telling Megan and Kayla to go play and stop bugging me. I want to get up and leave the house and the drop of a hat, and I want to cherish every night that I go to sleep confidently knowing that the only thing that will wake me up is my alarm clock. (or my wife if the mood strikes her. Hey, a man can dream)

But most of all, I want to properly enjoy the final weeks of Vicki pregnant. I love it when she's pregnant. I can't describe just how beautiful she is when she's pregnant, with her round little belly and her cute little waddle. I love it. And I want to make sure that I make her feel like the most important person in the world, because she is. If my wife ever deserved to be treated like a princess, it is now more than ever.

Ok, enough gushing. I also want to drive some fast cars, watch some action movies, and drink some beer.

4-6 weeks. Wow. It's going to be interesting.

1 comment:

Leanna said...

Going from one to two kids really is the biggest change...Anything after that is pretty easy..Unless of course you're like me and your third child is actually your third and fourth..You guys are awesome parents and I know this change for you will be easy! Your kids are soo lucky to have you two for their parents.