Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Final Countdown

(insert Europe song here) So, it's here. Moving weekend has arrived. I have been looking forward to this for months, and now that it is here I only have 1 overwhelming feeling...fear.

The amount of work that will HAVE to be done between now and Sunday afternoon is daunting and somewhat depressing. And now that moving day is so close, the reality of us leaving Summerland and living down here is really hitting, and I'm feeling a little apprehensive and sad.

But, looking at the next few days and everything that will be involved in them, there is only one thing to do, suck it up.

I can sleep again next month, I'm sure of it.


Vicki said...

yup, you can sleep next month. August, not so much. TIme to catch up before little peanut keeps us both awake all night. See you at the airport!

Angella said...

Hope it all goes well with your move guys!